Deliver Material to our recycling grounds in Ludwigsburg-Möglingen and Stuttgart-Feuerbach
You can deliver our wastes to our recycling grounds in Stuttgart-Feuerbach and Möglingen, which is near Ludwigsburg, between the following business hours.
- Monday to Friday between 7:00 and 17:00 (at both locations)
- Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:00 in Feuerbach
You can get rid of everything, that cannot go in the house trash - fast and cheap, no matter if it is a small or a big amount and no matter if commercial or private. We pay the current market prices right away for valuable materials like aluminum, copper, brass or stainless steel. You don’t need an appointment, just come by in our business hours – no matter if you have a small or big transportation vehicle. Do you have any questions about the separate kinds of waste or prices we pay for metal and scrap? Then just give us a call – we are looking forward to it!
We do not accept hazardous wastes (such as asbestos) or special waste (such as paint, varnishes or oils) at our recycling grounds. Private deliverers can dispose these at special waste collection points, offered by the community for free. In case you are a commercial client, we are happy to make an offer and help you with the proper disposal of hazardous wastes directly where it comes from. If you have any further questions or need more information, just give us a call.
Every "usual" waste, such as scrap wood, scrap paper, cardboard, scrap or scrap metal; rubble, concrete, bricks, soil, green wastes or roots can be delivered to our recycling grounds in Stuttgart Feuerbach or Möglingen. More detailed information about the particular wastes can be easily found by one klick here.
The benefit for you is: if you only have small amounts of different kinds of waste, you can sort them directly at our recycling grounds and need to pay less, since mixtures of waste are always more expensive that the individual component. You also save the costs of the rent of a container, that we need to charge you with. So you save money twice!
If you are not sure what type of material you have to dispose, you are welcome to send us a picture per mail or talk to us beforehand. We, or our colleagues in the recycling yards are also happy to help you with this matter.
If you have to much material to fit in your trunk or your car but you either don’t have the space for a container or a container is not worth it, we offer a special service for you:
We have car trailers at both our locations you can rent for free. This service is free so you are able to deliver your wastes to one of our recycling grounds. You only need to give us a deposit, that you get back fully when you bring back the trailer intact. If this service is an option for you and you want to rent a trailer, we want to ask you to reserve the trailer by a call, e-mail or in person if you need it. We will then reserve the trailer for the whole day or the time you are in need of it. This way, we can avoid you coming for nothing, if the trailers are already in use.