Download important files
Information and background
We would like to ease your work and provide further information and files for you here. On the one hand you can find documents regarding our company here. On the other hand, you can also find a good amount of law texts or requirements and background information from the waste management, that regards everyone dealing with waste to some extent. The law for waste has become a lot more thorough over the past years and requires several obligations regarding the waste producer. Especially when talking about hazardous wastes, the obligations, mostly concerning the ability to provide proof, need to be met. Violations of these requirements are often related to major fines, so you should be informed about them. This is the reason we are providing some of the important and interesting information in our download center. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need more information on special topics - we are very happy to help you via e-mail, telephone or at our recycling yards.
The linked information and legal texts are for informational purposes only and possibly do not reflect the current law. Please always check if there are newer, legally binding laws and requirement. You can do so over the portal – this website is the official source of information by the „Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz sowie des Bundesamtes für Justiz für aktuelle Gesetze“.
The documents we offer you for download here are obviously only a small part of the relevant regulations for waste management. There are often regulations besides legal requirements by standardizing committees, “Bund-/Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Abfall (LAGA)”, trade associations and other organizations that determine the technical status. In case you have questions about any documents in the download center, please contact us any time. Our customer support will be happy to give you more information about the regulation relevant for you.